Monday, June 23, 2014



I gave Georgia a haircut on Sunday.  If you're one of my hairdresser friends, just look
away... I'm sure it could be better!  But I'm pretty happy with it and she seems unfazed :)
I felt like her hair was getting kind of scraggly and weird again, so I just figured I'd go
ahead and cut it.  I love the short bob haircut on little girls!  Still waiting for her hair to
stop growing forwards, then maybe we can stop putting bows and clips in it all the time.


Later that day, Ben and I had a date night (more like afternoon).  We went and played
putt putt after an early dinner, then got some ice cream and just sat on the beach in the
perfect weather.  The ocean was totally flat again and the air was ideal.

I love him so much!!

Sunday, June 22, 2014



We had a great "first day of summer" this year!!

Back in May, I had mentioned to Ben that I really wanted to plan a surprise
something for Jean's birthday, but since I had time, I didn't act on it right away.

Not even 2 weeks later, Becca messages me with the exact same idea.  Fantastic!
So, we got to planning... and long story-short, we pulled it off!  We surprised Jean
with some of her best friends at the beach, went for pizza, went back to the beach,
and then got ice cream to top it all off.  It really was a great day.

I fully intended on getting a lot more pictures, but the water and conditions were
so perfect, I just had to get in.  And I don't normally get in the water.  It was great
to enjoy the (very unusually-flat) ocean with our friends.


Leah and I are only 2 weeks apart!  She's due with their first baby (also a girl)
15 days before I'm due with Phoenix.  It has been fun being pregnant with friends
through both of my pregnancies so far!  I can't wait to see Phoenix and their baby
grow up together.  Too fun!!


Thankfully, Jean asked to get a picture before we ALL went home (we really
should've gotten a group shot earlier).  I just adore these girls and had so much
fun planning this whole thing with Becca!!!  LtoR: me, Jean Marie and Becca



Another Samwise and Phoenix nap.  I think this will happen a lot
after Phoenix is born, as well.
Runt loved sleeping with Georgia when she was a newborn.  And
Sam is going to be just about the same age as Runt was at that time.



I cannot leave laundry out for any length of time or Georgia will try it all on.



Sam and Phoenix, taking a nap :)



Samwise got in Georgia's doll stroller and let her push him around
for over 10 minutes, never trying to get out.  He's such a great kitten.

Later on, Runt and Sam take a nap together :)



Our sweet nut is 21 months old now.

Monday, June 16, 2014



Happy Father's Day to the amazing man in our lives!  Georgia and I love
you so much, Ben, and I know Phoenix will just adore you as well.

Georgia and I went out in the morning before Ben woke up to get him
some donuts :D  Georgia was just as excited about them as Ben was ;)

Then we went to the beach with Ben's family, but I didn't bring my camera
down on the beach because the skies were threatening rain the whole time.
I took a few phone pictures though, and posted on instagram.

We took the last two pictures at home after showers :) I love them so much.
I can't wait to see Phoenix with them in next year's picture!!!



We attended my cousin's beach wedding this Saturday!

I love the way Georgia looks at Ben sometimes.  It's so sweet to
watch them together, and I can't wait to see him with Phoenix.

And I just adore this shot of Georgia and her cousin David.
They're adorable playing together, sharing (more or less) their
toys with each other!



On this morning, as Ben left for work, he leaned over to say goodbye and said "She's still asleep."

Right after he left, I looked at the monitor to see how she was sleeping, and I realized that what
Ben saw was actually her stuffed animals, and she was not in bed.  SO, I panned the camera over
to see her door, and it was open.  I walked out to see where she was, and she was totally passed
out on the couch.  Ben didn't even see her there when he was getting ready to leave!

We've been careful to be very quiet this past week, trying to get Georgia accustomed to sleeping
in her new bed, so I think Ben was just avoiding getting near her room at all (and this couch shares
a wall with her room).  Sweet girl!  How cute is that?  She stayed there for another hour almost.



Chocolate chip cookie, anyone?



A sweet friend of ours gave us a boat load of clothes for Georgia, and this is what
our coffee table looked like in the midst of sorting through it.  Where's Luna? :)

We are so grateful for these clothes!  I cannot think of a single thing Georgia needs
right now (or will need for a while).



So proud of our baby girl, sleeping in her toddler bed.
I know I'm posting a lot about it, and I'll stop.  It's just quite exciting!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014



Sweet girl, doing so well napping in her new bed!
I took this with my phone because I did not want to
wake her up with my camera.



In her big girl bed!
I really love the way it turned out - the color is exactly what I wanted! :)

To see more pictures and read about G's transition from crib
to toddler bed, you can click here!



On Saturday, we painted Georgia's new bed!

While Ben was cleaning the bed before painting, Georgia ended up
getting all wet, so we just brought her little pool out for a while.

To see more pictures and read about G's transition from crib
to toddler bed, you can click here!

Saturday, June 7, 2014



Well, it turns out, we're not expecting a boy!  Haha!

Read more about it on our family blog, here.



We got a new stroller this week, and Georgia and I decided to
test it out the other day!  We both loved it, and we can't wait to
have Phoenix join us on our adventures!



This girl and hats.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014



Georgia has some of the cutest (and strangest) ways
of relaxing.  I'm always finding her in silly positions.

I painted her toenails (which match mine) for a wedding
we attended on Saturday!  I've unofficially decided that
her toenails should always be painted because they're
so darn cute!!!



We went to Cracker Barrel with some family on Sunday, and
Georgia and David had a great time running around outside after
we all finished eating.  They are just so cute together!!!



We hit the halfway point on Sunday!
Well, it depends on when Theo Phoenix decides to make
his her appearance... but on average, this is halfway ;)

For Georgia, this was actually a little over halfway
since she came 5 days before her due date! I
really keep feeling like Theo's Phoenix is going to
take his her sweet time though... but I guess we'll find
out come October!  We're so excited to meet him her!!!



Ben had another fight on Saturday!  We have an awesome group of
friends (like-family) and family that came out to support Ben and our
friend, Calli, who was also fighting!  We're all so proud of them!

Many thanks to Calli's dad for these two pictures!



Sweet sleepy kitty.
