Monday, October 13, 2014



I love this outfit and I love her little self.  She's looking so much like a toddler/child and
not much at all like a baby anymore.  She's going to be such a giant when Phoenix gets here.



Look how gorgeous he is.

I put a table cloth over Phoenix's cosleeper since it has birth stuff
in it right now and all the cats love to lay in it.

They still love to lay in it :)



Georgia and I decided to try Jamberry nails recently!  I looove them.  And I'm
very impressed with how well they stood the test of the toddler.  I can't wait to do
it again, but we're going to wait until Phoenix is here so we have pretty nails
for her newborn photos!



It was pretty darn exciting to get the crib set up for Phoenix.  She won't be staying in
her room for a while, but it's nice to have a bed set up in there for naps and whatnot.



I'm working on this sweater for Georgia and I was hoping to have it finished
before Phoenix gets here.  We'll see if that happens or not ;)



Georgia and Sam love to play together!!



I finally got Nixie's blanket finished!  So happy with the outcome.
It is incredibly pillowy and soft.



Georgia was giving Phoenix a sticker and decided "her Phoenix" needed one as well.


I've been so behind in posting, and I'm simply not feeling up to trying to get caught up
and find pictures for each day.  So, I'm just going to post what I have for now!


On Georgia's birthday I decided to take her out to lunch (we ended up getting
to meet up with Daddy!) and frozen yogurt and to walk around town.  It was a
really sweet day and I'm so glad we had it together.
