Friday, January 24, 2014



I really, really wasn't feeling creative or inspired today.  I kind of didn't feel like even taking a picture.
But I did anyways.

That first one?  Georgia had just gotten in trouble, and she was sitting there to calm down, and I was
compelled to capture her pathetically adorable self.  She's been rather... dramatic... lately.  No reaction
is a small reaction.  Whether good or bad.  I feel like everything is over the top.

And the second one.  Well, I'm working on a baby blanket for someone, and I've been wanting to post
a picture, but I don't want to "give it away" before it's finished and Momma sees it in person.  So, I'm not
saying who it's for, and the photo's in black & white.
Anyways.  I love knitting, and I love knitting for babies.  And I love babies.

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