Monday, September 8, 2014



Saturday was an eventful day.

My dear friend, Jean Marie, came over for most of the day to take our family/maternity
pictures.  We had such a great time.  We just chilled around the house, experimenting with
different photo ideas.  We even took a nap!  Then we headed to our local train station for
some outdoor pictures, got rained out, and headed to dinner.

After dinner, Jean went home, and then everything changed.

I went to the bathroom and noticed some spotting.  After texting with my midwife some,
and spotting a little more, we decided it would be best if we went to the hospital.  We'd much
rather be safe than sorry.

Long story-short: I was dehydrated, causing contractions, which likely caused irritation to
my cervix, which caused the spotting.  My water had not broken (praise the Lord) and Phoenix
was totally fine.  I convinced them I could drink enough water and they didn't feel the need
to give me an IV (if you know me, you know how happy that made me, and how willing I was
to CHUG water if necessary).  They gave me some meds to stop the contractions, and after
about 3 hours of being there I was free to go home!

So now, as you can imagine, I'm keeping track of my water intake and watching my caffeine
intake as well.  I absolutely do not want to go through that again.  I'm looking forward to at
least 3 more weeks with this baby inside me!!  Hopefully longer, if that's what she needs.


Jean has been posting pictures on her facebook photography page, and I will definitely
be sharing more on my blog when I have them!!!

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