Thursday, May 29, 2014



I made my first purchase for Theo this past weekend, and it arrived
this morning!!  I'm really picky about boy things, so it has taken me a
while to find decently-priced items that I like for Theo!  But I found
a pack of onesies that I just looove and this is one of them.

(edit: Turns out, we don't need these new boy things yet! Click here
for an update on all things baby!)



This is KitKat!  Samwise's sister :)
My brother and his family took her in, and she is quite
the feisty one!  I'll have to get a picture of Sam's other sister
as well.  She looks similar to KitKat and nothing like Sam.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014



Last night we had Grandma-style grilled cheese at Cody and Tricia's to celebrate
my Grandma's life (who passed away 1 year ago on Friday).  She always made THE
absolute best grilled cheese... like, to die for.  Tricia is very good at making it Grandma's
way and we're very grateful!  This was the first time Georgia tried it, and I just loved
seeing her eat the grilled cheese I grew up with.  Oh, and that hat used to be mine, but
I gave it to her and she loves it.  She loves wearing hats.



There are a whole load of pictures I want to post from Memorial Day, but this was my
favorite.  My sweet little sandy babe, chowing down on some delicious watermelon.

Hopefully I'll get around to posting more from the day on our family blog soon!



After years of wanting and trying to do a family photoshoot, we were finally
able to do a quick one with Ben's brother and his family on Sunday!  Although
it was super hot, they were all very good sports and we got some great shots!
This was one of my favorites :)



On Saturday I shot a beautiful wedding with my dear friend, Shannon!
It was a long, wonderful day, and I know we both had a great time being
Matt and Emilie's photographers.  It's always an honor to be chosen to be
anyone's photographer, especially for something to important as a wedding!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014



Sweet Samwise, chillin with Theo Phoenix.



That's our crazy dog.  Spazzing because Ben called him.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014



I am really loving this little guy.

Runt is doing very well with Samwise.  They play together and Runt tolerates
him quite well.  I caught them laying together and Runt was giving Sam a bath.
They stopped when I went to get my camera, but I was still able to get a couple
shots of them together :)  Runt-runt is being a wonderful big brother :)



Our little man girl.

We go for our official sonogram sometime in the next couple of weeks!
Can't wait to get some good shots of Theo Phoenix.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014



I just can't get enough of that peanut butter adorned face.

Monday, May 19, 2014



Sweet puppy.  Sweet girl.  Sweet sunshine.

And I finally had Ben get some pictures of my tattoo!  I've had a few
people ask me about it recently, so I thought I'd go ahead and post
about it.  Sooo, I did, over on our family blog!  Right here :)



Yeah... there are going to be lots of pictures of this little dude.

Saturday, May 17, 2014



Meet Samwise!!!

Brandon and Amanda (Ben's brother and our sister-in-law) found Sam and
two other kittens hiding under some pallets on their property!  So, Brandon
asked Ben if we wanted one, and to my surprise, Ben was ok with it.  And
obviously, I was more than ok with it... so we now have four cats!

Is he not the cutest, most beautiful little kitten you've ever seen?  It's taking
everything in me not to post a million pictures of him.  For every picture I
post, there are probably 20 pictures I'm not posting :P

As far as appearances go, he is my dream cat.  I am so happy.
We'll see how his personality evolves over time!

So far, the other animals are doing fairly well with him.  Runt is doing
the best.  It won't be long before they'll all live in harmony ;)



Well, another day went by without a picture.  While I really, really love having
Ben home during the day, it does make the day a bit different!

The night before Ben went to the ER, we went to dinner with his parents and
brother (and sister-in-law and two of their girls) at a local German restaurant,
and then we were hanging around talking outside afterwards.  Georgia and
Ashlynn were being adorable and I got this super cute shot of Georgia...
just being Georgia :)



I'm just going to make a long story short.

Basically, Ben got a spider bite, didn't realize it at first, and then it ended up getting infected.
He went to the ER on Wednesday morning and they gave him some antibiotics and told him
to rest until it's better.  He's been home from work since Wednesday and we're hoping (sort of)
that he'll be well enough to go back to work on Monday.

Of course, I'm always thrilled to have him home, but he does need to work, and we really
want him to feel better!!!

I took this picture the day he went to the ER.  He was exhausted.  And Gus was very much
enjoying having him home (as were we all)!



Reading time! :) Can't have too many books.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014



At the park, looking for squirrels in the trees.



My Mother's Day was wonderful!
I absolutely love being Georgia and Theo's Phoenix's Mommy.
And I adore the man they call (and will call) "Daddy" ♥
A blessed life.



We had another nice day at the beach.
Precious snuggles.



Those eyes.  Get me every time.
I wonder what her brother's eyes will be like.  I imagine them to be like his Daddy's.

Thursday, May 8, 2014




I received a Knit Picks order in the mail today!  I love getting yarn!  I love yarn!

The first photo is black and white because there is yarn in there to make a gift, and
it's a surprise.  But the second picture, that beautiful yarn is going to be turned into
a sweet little sweater for Theo*!  Yippee!  Seriously, so excited here.  Even Georgia
was excited.  She is a girl after my own heart.  She loves things made of yarn.  She
once had her aunties' baby doll who was wearing a sweater, and she came over to
me mumbling something, trying to ask me to do something.  So I thought, "Oh, she
wants the sweater off." so I took the sweater off and gave her the baby.  She dropped
the baby and reached for the sweater.  She just wanted the sweater... not the baby.

She also pushes her blankets around in her stroller more often than babies or animals.

edit: *Now that we've discovered we're expecting a girl and not a boy, I will most
likely save that yarn for a future boy's baby sweater! :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014



Georgia and I got to go to the train station to pick up Nana and Papa today!
They've been gone for a couple weeks on a fun train trip through Canada, and
we've missed them a lot!  We were very happy to have them come home today.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014



Remember our awesome matchy-ness from yesterday?
Well, this morning I woke up to this.  And a very in-trouble dog.

Looks like I'll have to get some new ones. I had
found these at Ross for only $12, probably 6+ years
ago. It'd be nice if I could find that deal again!



I like to be matchy-matchy with Georgia.  I wonder when she'll grow tired of it?

Her converse are hand-me-downs and I've been waaaaiting for them to fit her for
probably about a year.  They're actually still a little big, but not too big to wear.

I took her shopping for sneakers and could not find ANY that I liked for a decent
price or in her size.  Then I remembered these and thought we should try them out.
I'm so glad we did!  Now she's set for sneakers and we're not out any extra money!

Sunday, May 4, 2014



We had a family beach day :) quite nice, it was... (May the 4th be with you).

It has been raining a lot lately, so when I looked at the forecast for
today, I knew we needed to go to the beach and enjoy the sunshine.

As it turns out, my husband is a really great photographer.  He continues
to impress me whenever he does get his hands on my camera ;)  I should
hand it to him more often.  That second picture is his, and I adore it.
I think I might even print it, frame it, and hang it on our wall somewhere.



Boy things :)

edit: Which we don't need yet!!!  Now that we're expecting Phoenix instead :)

Friday, May 2, 2014



We got a new bed, and the cats really love it.  Being much bigger than our old bed,
they have more room to have their own space.  Yet, I found Oliver and Run laying
quite close to one another earlier today :)  They've been hanging out with me as I
rest, trying to get better quickly.

And then this evening.  Poor Georgia lovey.  Her first busted lip.
She jumped into her tent, and it was too close to her rocking chair, so she ended
up hitting her lip on the bottom of the rocker.  I knew she was hurt immediately
because I've never heard her cry like that before :(  She got over it pretty quickly
though, thankfully.  I took that picture just after the bleeding stopped since
Ben wasn't home at the time, I wanted to document it for him.


Didn't get a picture for Thursday, either.
I didn't have one in the first half of the day, and then I came
down with a cold and taking a picture was the furthest thing
from my mind at that point.


I'm actually pretty impressed that I've made it this far and only
missed 3 days (one of which had a video, so it kind of counts).

Thursday, May 1, 2014



No photo today, just a stinkin' adorable video of Georgia singing along to Frozen.
