Tuesday, April 29, 2014



I try to get her outside each day, even if it's only for a few minutes.
As it gets hotter, it will be harder to make myself do this.

She took an extra long nap today (still recuperating from her fun
weekend), and then I took her and Gus outside for a quick few minutes
before the lightning and thunder rolled in.

There are always birds coming and going from the power lines running
over our yard, and Georgia adores them.

This skirt is a hand-me-down, and not one I would normally choose
for Georgia, but it did look pretty cute... and it's laundry day around here.
Thus, all the clothes I like for her to wear were not clean/dry yet :P

I saw a strike of lightning and said "Let's go inside!"
We started walking to the door and the thunder hit.  Georgia
immediately stopped and started looking for the source of this loud noise.


Also!  If there's anyone that follows this blog and not our family
blog, you should check out this post for a special announcement!



I was trying to get some pictures of Georgia yesterday before the sun
went down, but she was simply too tired.  She kept spacing out, and then
she finally just plopped back on the ground like this.



Georgia spent Saturday and Saturday night with Ben's Mom and siblings
while we went to his fight.  She had a really great time and we're so thankful
they could keep her for us!

The next day she was completely worn out and ended up falling asleep on the
couch next to Ben, and then she woke up and he moved her and she fell asleep
on his lap :)  I was napping while this happened, so it was really sweet to wake
up to this sight.

That afternoon I had a senior photoshoot, and at one of the locations, I met this
adorable cat named "Amtrak" and just had to get a picture for my Dad and brother :)



After dinner, after the fight, on Saturday :)

I don't think I've posted any pictures of Amanda on here... she is
our sister-in-law (Ben's brother's wife).

It was a really close fight.  Going in Ben's favor until the very end.
I am so proud of him.  We all are.  He put up an amazing fight, and
he's ready for the next one (which he's already got lined up).



Georgia and I picked up Ben from work so that he could go to his weigh-in for
his fight the next day!  It was nice to be able to spend some extra time with Daddy.

We had to wait a little while at the weigh-in, so Miss Calli was letting Georgia play
on her phone :)  Georgia was starting to go a little stir crazy :P

I didn't have my camera with me on Friday, so these were all taken with Ben's phone.

Friday, April 25, 2014



Instagram pic, today!

I couldn't get over how adorable she looked in her mismatched clothes.
The diaper and top not matching was my fault, but the boots were all her.

There was a woodpecker hanging around our house all day today, and we
were listening to and watching it :)  She just adores birds.

Thursday, April 24, 2014



This is my child.  Who has a pudding mustache, dirt and scratches on
her legs, messy hair, and approximately 14 stickers on her shirt.  I love
her so much.

We finally watched Frozen and had a mini-in-home movie date :)

Annnnd a random bump picture!  Mid-way through 14 weeks.  I love
waking up with a bump and not just going to bed with a "food baby" ;)



These pansies keep randomly popping up around our yard!  They're
so vibrant and cute.  I love finding them.

I also love those adorable little toes in those adorable little flip flops.



These flowers were given to us by my father-in-law.
I wrote about them on our family blog when I posted our Easter pictures:
I absolutely love these flowers. At our last house, we had a huge bush of them at the end of our
driveway, and I was really sad to leave that bush behind. I used these flowers in Georgia's Easter
basket last year, and I really wanted to use them again. Ben said his Dad had a couple of the bushes,
so he would get some flowers for me. Well, Jeff (his Dad) gave us an entire bush! Needless to say,
I'm very happy :)

and I wanted to share what Jeff said in a comment on the picture I captioned that with:
Although this is not the exact plant, Spirea has a special meaning to me. My Mom dug hers up from
the home she loved in PA, brought it to Florida and planted it in the house we lived at in [said town].
When they sold that home she dug it up again and it is planted behind our house. She obviously really
loved Spirea. The transplant is a Northern variety and doesn't bloom as well as yours will, but it is
Spirea and still has a special meaning. When Ben asked if he could cut some flowers off of it, it was
an easy decision. You never got to meet Bami, but she really loved Ben and she would have been so
thankful God picked you to be his wife. And she would be pinching Georgia's, and what other babies
God may bless you with, sweet cheeks! She loved the babies even more than flowers! It was an instant
and easy decision to share a little of her love of flowers, that is part of our heritage, with the girl she
never got to meet. Yet.

Sorry for the masses of words... I just thought it was sweet and wanted to share.

And then Oliver.  I laid down for a bit on this day, and all three cats joined me :)

Sunday, April 20, 2014



14 weeks along!  Our next appointment is this Tuesday, and Ben finally gets to come to this
one!  I'm so, so excited for him to see the baby.  And we should be able to find out the
sex of the baby, but we likely won't announce until we can do so a little more confidently.



Y'all, it really doesn't get much cuter than this.

Ryan is such a sweet baby (and one of the best nephews ever).



Georgia loves her Gus Gus.

Thursday, April 17, 2014



Georgia really loves her "pih-poh" (hippo).  She takes it with her
almost everywhere. It's starting to get pretty worn (a.k.a. loved).

I finally got her hair in a decent ponytail :D

She fell down a few of our front steps while we were outside, and that
tear in the last picture is leftover from her crying.  And she's giving
the hippo a kiss :) Although I hate when she gets hurt, snuggles after
a fall are so, so sweet.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014



Sweet girl.

She found the bag of her Great-Grandma's beads that I'm saving for her to
play dress up with when she gets a little older.  But I knew I couldn't put the bag
away without letting her have a little fun with a couple necklaces :)

She thoroughly enjoyed dancing around with Grandma's beads around her neck.



We had quite an eventful day on Tuesday.

Georgia locked me out of the house!  You can read about it on our family blog here.

This was literally the only picture I took.  Taking a picture was the last thing on my mind.
She was showing me all the things she'd gotten into while I was locked out.



I love this girl, and her love for her blankets and flowers and being outdoors.

Sunday, April 13, 2014



Today is Oliver and Luna's 4th birthday!

I seriously cannot believe they are already 4 years old.  I very clearly
and fondly remember adopting them both.  You can read about adopting
them and the first 2 years of their life in their 2nd birthday post here.

Oh, and here's Runt.  He wanted a picture with me too ;)

His birthday is next month.



We had a wonderful time at the baby shower for Leila!  It was really nice to
spend some time with the ladies and so fun to watch the little kids having
a blast. We realized that that 4 toddlers' ages were all within a year of each
other.  The oldest being born in September 2011, and the youngest in
September 2012! Georgia and Ben were the youngest, and Ben is only 5
days younger than Georgia (he was born on her due date)!

We took G's shoes off after buckling her in, and she was inspecting her black
feet and trying to brush the dirt off.  Even a wet wipe didn't help much.



Ben had a seminar out of town this weekend, and Georgia and I had a baby
shower to go to.  So, Georgia and I stayed with my Mom while Ben was away,
and since we couldn't just leave Gus alone, friends of ours kept him for us.

His face was so funny in the car on the way there.  He definitely was not sure
where we were taking him.  Although he ended up having a wonderful time
with his new puppy friend (who's only a few weeks older than him).

Thursday, April 10, 2014



It's the 100th day of the year and the 100th day of my project!

Also, Gus is 6 months old today :)  Such a handsome pup.



We have such a goofy daughter.
She thinks she's funny.

And she's right ;)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014



It's a good day :)

Georgia got to wear her new rain boots (bought on clearance at Target for $6), she
got to run around in the rain and splash in puddles, and Ben came home early from work!

It's rare that we get the opportunity to go outside and play in the rain, since it's usually
accompanied by lightning and thunder.  Once I realized it wasn't thundering, I thought
Georgia might like to try playing in the rain.  And I knew Gus would ;)

First picture is from before she and Gus found the mud puddle in the backyard :)
I was really wishing we had an umbrella so that I could've gotten pictures of that.

Monday, April 7, 2014



Runt man is a sucker for a freshly made bed.
Actually, he just loves our bed all the time.



We had a really nice day on Sunday!

We went to church in the morning, out to lunch with Nana afterwards, then Georgia
went home with Nana for a nap while Ben and I went shopping for a new mattress set.
We were able to go to a lot of stores and look at lots of mattresses.  After shopping,
Ben and I went to see Captain America (which was amazing) and then we went back
to Georgia and Nana.  For dinner, we met Tricia and the boys at the park for some
pizza and playing on the playground!

Georgia was chasing a squirrel while eating her pizza crust in the first pic.



Catch up from the weekend time!

On Saturday morning, Georgia and I met my Mom so that she could keep Georgia
for the day while Ben and I worked on some things around the house.  It was a long
overdue cleaning day, and we're very thankful Mom was able to watch Georgia.
We got a lot more accomplished than we would've been able to if she had been home.

Nana took Georgia to go play with cousins David and Ryan for a little bit!  This
picture was taken with her phone (I didn't take any pictures while we were cleaning).

Friday, April 4, 2014



Having a snack, dancing and singing with Lion King earlier!

She is really getting into her songs lately.  It's the cutest.



We had some extended family in town yesterday, and we went to
a favorite local restaurant with them.
Georgia just adores watching the birds out on the dock.  She also
had fun on the playground with her cousin :)
