Thursday, January 30, 2014



Uncle Josh and Aunt Britty are here!

Ben's sister and brother-in-law are staying with us for the weekend while they're down
for Grandad's funeral.  We're so excited to have them stay with us!  Georgia's taking
advantage of the extra laps to sit on and friends to read books with :)

This is the first time she's met Josh since she was a couple weeks old, and Brittany
came down last month to visit Grandad one more time, so she's seen her recently.



She is seriously one of the goofiest people I know.  She loves to bite onto her bath letters and
just leave them sitting there between her teeth as she plays.  Specifically the Q.  No idea why.

This chair is a favorite among our cats.  8 out of 10 times I look at it, there is a cat either on it,
or in front of it.  They are just the best and I love them so much.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


[circa 1994]


I didn't take a single picture yesterday.  Not one.
Instead, I was spending my day scanning in old pictures for Grandad Brower's funeral
slideshow. This is actually something I really enjoy.  I did the same thing for both of my
Grandparents back in May.  I really love seeing the old pictures of them, I almost feel
like I get to know them a little bit. It makes me wish I had known them back then!

I also love seeing the pictures of other family members and oo-ing and aah-ing over how
adorable everyone was as a child and who looks like who.  I especially love finding pictures
of my husband.  My husband, who never had that awkward appearance phase (figures, right?)
and has always been the most attractive person ever.  Even when he was a toddler and had
really long hair.  As evidenced above.  Isn't he cute? :)

Oh, and I fully intend on taking a picture for today.  It'll come.

Monday, January 27, 2014



Bath time and play time.

Sunday, January 26, 2014



Ben was away for the weekend and came home this afternoon.
We missed him very much!
We decided to watch some Psych and have pizza for dinner.
Georgia ate two pieces of pizza.  She really surprises me sometimes.

Oh, and Luna's very good at getting right in front of the camera when
I'm trying to get a picture.  Very good.

Saturday, January 25, 2014



Catching the final rays of the day...
Love me some sun flare.

Friday, January 24, 2014



I really, really wasn't feeling creative or inspired today.  I kind of didn't feel like even taking a picture.
But I did anyways.

That first one?  Georgia had just gotten in trouble, and she was sitting there to calm down, and I was
compelled to capture her pathetically adorable self.  She's been rather... dramatic... lately.  No reaction
is a small reaction.  Whether good or bad.  I feel like everything is over the top.

And the second one.  Well, I'm working on a baby blanket for someone, and I've been wanting to post
a picture, but I don't want to "give it away" before it's finished and Momma sees it in person.  So, I'm not
saying who it's for, and the photo's in black & white.
Anyways.  I love knitting, and I love knitting for babies.  And I love babies.

Thursday, January 23, 2014



I took some pictures earlier in the day, but I just wasn't "feeling" them.  So I decided not to post, and to
wait and see if I got some other shots.  Well, I did.  Georgia had her first candy cane after dinner (the box
of them was $.24 at walmart and I'm a sucker for peppermint) and she loved it.  Oh, and then she gave Gus
lovins, long enough for me to grab my camera and capture it.  She always loves him when he's sleeping :)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014




We only managed to lose 1 crayon in the making of this piece of art :)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014



I'm trying to ignore my OCD nature with that first shot.  Those blinds are just so difficult to raise and I
could not get them even.  I finally gave up and left it because I really wanted that sunshine.

Georgia is so sweet when she wakes up from her nap.  She immediately grabs a book and starts
reading.  I love how content she is to play in her crib after waking up.

Monday, January 20, 2014



She was wearing a hand-me-down dress from her Aunties today.  I thought she just looked so cute.
Something about that fit on her adorable tubby self.  So precious.

After running around with Gus (for a long time), I thought she could use a break, and so she and
Gus both chilled on the couch with some juice and a little Chuggington.
Gus rarely lets her sit on him, so you know he was tired!  Georgia was petting him with her foot :)

Sunday, January 19, 2014



I actually really adore this photo.  I'm not sure what it is about it.  I just love it.
I almost posted two photos for today, but I decided this one deserved a post all to itself.

Saturday, January 18, 2014



I know I just posted about Lion King, so that's not the focus of this one.
But Georgia was certainly focused on it.

We needed something that would surely make her sit still for a few
minutes while she got her first haircut.

She had this weird tail thing going on (actually, she was born with it,
but it had gotten annoying to me) and I was ready to get rid of it.
Well, more or less.  The trimmings are sitting in a little baggie to be saved.
Yes... I am indeed... one of those moms.

So (once again), thank you, Lion King.  You have proven to be mighty
helpful, and quite entertaining for us all.  I am forever indebted.

Friday, January 17, 2014



Runt always becomes quite daring when Georgia takes a bath.  He just wants to drink the water.
When I went back in to drain the water and shut the door, I caught him standing in the water drinking.

Even our cats are major Floridians.  It was rather chilly today, and Oliver ended up spending about
two hours snuggled up completely covered in that blanket.  I only uncovered him for a picture.

Thursday, January 16, 2014



Oh, Lion King.

Just 2 minutes before this, she was crying and just so upset.  She seems to be not feeling
well today, so I decided to put her favorite movie on for her.  All I had to do was open
the Xbox tray and she knew what was coming.  She stood there with anticipation on her
face until the sunrise showed and NAAAAANTS INgonYAAAma bagithi babaaaa rung
in our ears.  And then she started babbling and dancing in her spot with a huge grin
between those chubby cheeks.  Oh, how she loves this movie.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014



Daddy's girl.
Georgia has always enjoyed watching fights with Ben.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014



The golden sunset light shines through our house for a few minutes each day.  It's my favorite time.

Gus and Georgia sure love their Daddy.  They were waiting for him to come back inside :)

Monday, January 13, 2014



Bread, glorious bread.

She has really taken a liking to bread.  Just a few minutes ago she was dancing with it
and giving it kisses.  I'm proud to say that she gets her goofy streak from her mother.

Sunday, January 12, 2014



After taking down the Christmas tree (and getting pine needles everywhere), we spent the end of our
daylight at the park.  It was kind of chilly!  I wish Florida would have consistent weather for a while.

Saturday, January 11, 2014



That chicken just calls their names...

Friday, January 10, 2014



My happy place.

Thursday, January 9, 2014



Since today is my birthday, I thought it fitting for me to be in the photo of the day.

Of course, this photo could not be accomplished without Georgia showing me her diapers
and Gus climbing in my lap (the reason for the cattywompus framing).  Oh and of course,
taken in a hand-and-finger-print-adorned mirror.

I love my life.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014



Sweet smiles.

I photographed our newest nephew today.  He's 11 days old and just precious.
I so enjoy spending time with his Momma (my brother's wife).  It was a really nice day.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014



Georgia's crib: the place to be.

Monday, January 6, 2014



Feeding herself.

We've not tried giving her a spoon or fork to feed herself many times, but we figured we should
start doing so.  Thus, we did this evening, and this was the result.  Utter cuteness and messiness.

Also, another bath.

Sunday, January 5, 2014



Georgia got another bath today.  Sometimes breakfast just can't be eaten cleanly.
After her bath I decided to try putting curlers in her hair for the first time.
I'm pretty sure we need smaller curlers.

{photo taken by Ben with his phone}

Saturday, January 4, 2014



After playing outside for a little while, Georgia was laid down for a nap
and Gus decided it was time for Ben to pet him.  He's such a funny pup.

Friday, January 3, 2014



Apparently, today was Georgia's grooming day ;)

She got a bath, and I painted her toenails for the very first time!  I got new sparkly polish yesterday,
painted all my nails and wanted to paint more.  Her toenails were just begging for some silver sparkles.

Thursday, January 2, 2014



Out to lunch with Nana and Papa.

As I put her in her car seat to head to lunch, I asked if she wanted to go see Nana and Papa, and
she cried "Papaaaa" quite pathetically and exaggerated.  Then she was very excited to see them and
just wanted Papa to hold her.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014



All dressed up with... somewhere to go!
We attended a New Year's wedding today, and since it was actually somewhat cold, I took the
opportunity to dress Georgia in her furry boots.
